Today was a day to explore Melbourne a bit and due to poor information from people withing the public transport system in Melbourne we got to explore a little more than we expected. Why is it that people in Melbourne are so grumpy? After a few days in a climate where the sun tries to battle through the clouds bit decides it would rather stay out of the cold and it starts to become clearer. I would be grumpy too if it was cold & miserable looking every day.
If you don't think that weather can make you grumpy then take a trip to Melbourne Zoo like we did today. Many animals just couldn't be bothered to come out of their warm little hiding spots or if they had no where to hide looked more miserable than me with a really bad hangover. It must be said though that we had a great time at the zoo and all credit must be given to the people who work there.
From there we went to a different zoo and one that can cost a lot of money. The Crown Casino. We were not here to lay down the preparation for a hangover but I did certainly sample a few beers. After some good wins early on the pokies it was time to indulge and treat my beautiful wife to a meal at a fine restaurant. We had reservations for Rockpool Bar & Grill, a Neil Perry restaurant, and it did not disappoint. From the moment we were taken to our table the service was first class. The food was devine but we made the mistake of ordering a starter, thinking the main would be a minimalist meal like you see served in so many top class restaurant.
After the starter we knew we were in trouble as it was quite filling in it's own. When the mains turned up we were staring at dishes that had half a chicken and half a duck on them as well as a bowl of the best potatoes I have ever eaten. I would happily duplicate them but I would need to get hold of waigyu fat. The torturous part was watching my wife want to eat but not be able to and then even worse say no to dessert.
After dinner were were so stuffed that we couldn't even think of walking back to the hotel so it was time to hit the tables. Seems the Tinman's luck shone through and even after spending over $200 on dinner we still came pretty much with what we started. Looks like tomorrow will not start with a hangover either.