Watching the Queensland Reds defeat the NSW Waratahs on Fox Sport highlights yet again how Rugby in Australia is Sydney centric. At no point leading up to the game or during the game were the Reds ever seen as a chance to win the game. NSW were always seen in favourable light by the commentators and no credit was given to the Reds for their domination of the first half and eventual victory. With commentators in the box from NSW it is understandable that they will support their home state, and this is where the problem lies with Greg Martin. He is a Queenslander and will always tell you he is from this state but it seems he only wants to show his loyalty and passion once the result is known. The easy option in commentary is always the path he chooses. I don't mind if a commentator is unbiased or biased towards the team they support as long as they are consistent. But for a Queenslander to be openly against their home state and then change allegiance once the result is known is not professional in the least. All Queensland fans ask for from Greg martin is that he stays consistent and open on his support and sticks to the same standards of bias that the NSW and New Zealand commentators approach the game. If not then return all Queensland jerseys and stay south of the border.
I doubt though that the style of Marto will change much, until of course the Red's look like they are going to be champions again. Then the bandwagon will have him back on board.
Greg Martins effort was truly pathetic last night. The guy is so soft he truly belongs down south. He'd fit in really well with that other traitor Wendell Sailor. (you know; the guy who played a couple of seasons with the Dragons and carrys on like they're the only team he ever played for!) Tossers the pair of them.